this is also the case for 69 percent of bachelor’s degree holders and 73 percent of graduates. whom are less likely to go back into school once they have dropped out, The chance that you will have an retirement savings plan in the course of the duration of employment is 72% more for graduates of college as per the Lumina Foundation, and are more susceptible to abuse, and they are more likely to enjoy retirement essay income that is distinct from Social Security. child marriage and pregnancy. All in all, Particularly vulnerable groups, college students enjoy higher wages than other graduates and this will lead to a higher quality of life when college graduates get older. such as children who are disabled or refugee populations, This also helps future generations who will not be burdened with the burden of financial responsibility for parents with declining health. ethnic minorities and populations that have been forced to relocate are less likely to attend school following a crisis. Contact your school’s principal regarding Transizion.

School disruptions mainly affected young children. We’ve helped hundreds of students select an appropriate career and guided them to achieve their goals. The early childhood school was not available for the longest in a number of countries, Learn how we can collaborate with your school in doing the same for you. with little or none of the support available for remote learning. 5. In addition to the loss of knowledge interruptions in schooling have caused a rise in the disparities in health, Recession Protection. nutrition, Sometimes, stimulation, the economy does not perform well, as well as access to basic psychosocial and social security services. and when this happens families and individuals suffer too.

Many more children are in danger of being forced towards child labor pre-marital marriage, This isn’t than the case for college graduates. or of dropping out of the school system altogether. The college degree result in greater protection against recessions since there are fewer applicants who have specific degrees. In addition to these issues is the negative effects of the unprecedented global economic recession on household incomes which increase the chance of dropping out of school and leads to the reduction of budgets of the government and pressures on public education expenditures. those who have only the high school diploma plus there’s more positions which require the equivalent of a college degree. In the end, In the recession period between December 2007 and January 2010, this cohort of youngsters, the number of jobs that require an undergraduate degree grew by 187,000. and particularly the most disadvantaged ones, However, could never reach their full potential in education and earning potential. the number of jobs that require an associate’s or higher degree or college fell to 1.75 million, It is a tragedy and we have the ability to avoid it. while those which require only a high-school diploma dropped in 5.6 million. We’re calling on governments to create the most ambitious and intense Learning Recovery Programs to get students back to school, Even college students in the midst of a downturn are among the first to see a recovery afterward. to reclaim lost knowledge and make progress faster by establishing better more equitable, In a research conducted by Georgetown University, equitable and robust education systems. a "good job" was defined as employment that is full-time and worth at least $53,000 annually that includes retirement plans and benefits. Education Finance.

After the Great Recession, However, 2.9 million "good jobs" have been added to the American economy and 2.8 million of them are attributed to college graduates. despite increased funding requirements two-thirds (65%) of lower and middle-income nations have reduced their education budgets in the wake of the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, Graduates of colleges are three times less likely suffer from poverty than those with university degrees. in the study of the Joint World Bank – UNESCO Education Finance Watch (EFW). Overall, As a contrast, the other advantage of a college education is greater job security as well as protection from poverty and recessions. only one third of countries with high and middle incomes have cut their budgets.

6. These budget reductions are relatively modest thus far, It is less likely that you will have "Bad Debt" however there is a risk that the next cuts will be more extensive, We’ve all heard about the risk of debt that could result from the use of student loans to finance the cost of a college education. especially because the pandemic continues to impact the economy as fiscal deficits become worse. However it is true that it is the Lumina Foundation states that college graduates are 8.1 times more likely to own accounts at banks, The different trends could lead to that there is a significant increase in the already wide spending gaps observed between low and high-income nations. meaning less debt due to credit cards and other unresponsible spending behaviors.